Why Goat Soap

Why Goat Soap

Goat Soap Is Like Rain.

by mike fraley on 02/23/13

I am writing this to let you know some of the benefits goat soap offers to those that haven't tried them.

star of bethleham

Goat soap is ideal for everyone and those with dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergies having sensitive skin, goat soap is a godsend. It leaves your skin revived and ready for the daily element.  I like to share with you about some of the contents in goat soap.

Let start with this.

The contents contained in goat soap are glycerin, which helps to draw moisture to the skin.  Triglycerides which help enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver.  Caprylic acid which is also used in the treatment of some bacteria infections and helps balance your skins natural pH.  pH is a measure of the activity of the (solvated) hydrogen ion.  Pure rain water has a pH very close to 7, but most goat soaps made right are 6 to 4.  What I'm saying is the higher the pH the more likely it will irritate the skin.

Sweet Georgia

Goat milk will absorbed into the skin, giving a quick hydration back to the skin while providing vitamins A, B6, B12 ,E, amino acids, citric acids, unsaturated fatty acids and zinc.

Stormy Nights

let me say this: Goat soap contains a low pH level  that is lower then the rain that falls on your face in a rain storm and will always(if made right) leaves your skin feeling great.  Like I said, rain runs about a 7 pH, but goat soap should run 4 to 6 pH.

Stop by and see my products at www.goatsoapkitchen.com or www.soapboxkitchen.com.

Thank you

Soap Box KitchenWhy Dose Goat Milk Taste Like Goat

Why I've Changed To Goat Soap.

by mike fraley on 02/21/13

I'm writing this article to share why I have found goat milk soap to be so important for your skin and the benefits it will provide if one uses goat soap on a regular basis, can be extraordinary.  If you have seen some of my articles, you'll see that I tell my stories in a simplistic manner so that people from around the world can follow without having a dictionary on hand.Stormy Nights goat soap

If I knew what goat milk soap would of done for me a long time ago, I would have change my ways and started using goat soap daily.  Only now in my older years, as I've watched my skin age, I've started to realize the products I have used haven't help me with my aging skin.  Using commercial products with the excuse, it's becuase of the money, when in fact it is more like laziness from not keeping myself informed and reading about the products I've used daily, has given me the aging skin I have today.

Aging can be easy to maintain with goat soap, good diet and a life of little stress.  Researching my soap is something I never did and now wishing I would have, seeing the condition of my skin in the mirror.  When it comes to your skin care one needs to understand everything about the products they use.  I've always thought using my shampoo on everything was the best way to go, always there and easy to grab, not knowing that using shampoo on your face wasn't the way to go.  I really can say that shampoo hasn't helped me in the condition of my skin and leaves me feeling dry.  Reading about what is in your soaps you use, will blow you away.


Now in my mid-forties looking back I see the things that has put me where I am today, and knowing now what I didn't know then, I can really make changes to my life and still stop or reverse my aging with goat milk soaps.

Using my own hand-made goat soaps and natural butters on my face and skin, I can't say enough.  I use them daily and have seen the changes to my appearnce.  My goat soaps last a long time and keeps me from feeling dry and never lets me down.  Knowing I use a great product and seeing the benefits, keeps me feeling positive about the changes I've made.

I would like to finish with this: Goat milk soap is one of the best soaps on the market today and beneficial to everyone when made right, leaving all the butter fat in, creating a super creamy lather that's perfect for the skin.

I believe in my products(goat milk soap and body butters) to change the way your skin looks after using them.

Please stop in and see the full line I have to offer at www.soapboxkitchen.com or www.goatsoapkitchen.com.   Thank you

Soap Box Kitchen.

 Why Dose Goat Milk Taste Like Goat


Reveiws On Our Goat soaps And Body Butter.

by mike fraley on 02/15/13

Here's what people say about our products after they use them. We always are hearing great comments.


The delicious smelling soaps made from goats milk are not only smooth and creamy, but they are decorative as well. They make special treats and welcomed gifts. The owners of Soap Box Kitchen go out of their way to accommodate their clients. Love the products.  MaryEllen Hagerl.


I have tried several of your soaps and am very pleased!! They leave the skin soft and the tub and shower do not have the residue that other soaps cause. They smell wonderful.

For christmas different friends and family members got the soap for gifts. I received some compliments back. They make great gifts.

I use the Genesis body creme morning and night. A little bit goes a long way and smells so good.

One thing about other lotions is they often use alcohol and petroleum products as preservatives. At Soap Box Kitchen, its an all natural product and none of the chemicals you get in others. The chemicals can be counter-productive to what you need. Thank you Soap Box Kitchen, Nancy Fraley


I bought a couple of soaps at the craft show today, and I could not wait to try them out! I love the festival of lights. Is is so soft and smooth, leaves my skin feeling like pure butter! I will most definitely be buying more from you for myself as well as gifts. Thank you Soap Box Kitchen, Tricia.


So glad I was introduced to Soap Box Kitchen! Their hand-made goat soaps are incredible and you will never want to use store bought soaps again! They offer a wide variety of fragrances that are amazing! Thank you for putting forth the effort to create such a wounderful product!!  Allinson Robbins.


I tried the soap after my wife brought it home from a craft show. After working all day in the elements, this soap moisturized my skin and did not leave it feeling dry.


These are the comments I hear every day from my customers, try it for yourself and see. www.soapboxkitchen.com or www.goatsoapkitchen.com, thank you.




Why Goat Soap Is Great.

by mike fraley on 02/15/13

That bar of soap from the supermarket looks so clean and pure. Yet, most big-brand soaps contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin, alcohol that dries the skin, and sometimes petroleum products are added, which is very disturbing. Hand-made soaps should be made from natural, gentle ingredients that doesn't leave the skin dry, itchy or irritated.

Hand-made soap has another basic advantage, glycerin. Most soaps are made by combining a fat with an alkali. During the saponification, the fat turns into soap and glycerin . In commercial soaps, the glycerin is removed by adding salt to make the soap and glycerin separate. The glycerin is then used to make other more profitable products like, medicine, printing inks, cosmetics and the production of nitroglycerin explosives.


But in hand-made soap, all the glycerin remains in the soap, providing a deep moisturizing benefits. All hand-made soaps have great advantages over commercial soap. But goat milk soaps offer even more. All milk contains natural emollients, vitamins and triglycerides that moisturize the skin. Goat milk specifically contains the reputed highly effective moisturizer caprci-capryllic triglyceride. People that use goat soap claim that it is far better, less dry and harsh then ordinary soap. For those with sensitive skin or eczema, goat soap is a godsend.


The best goat soaps are made from fresh milk, not powder. Some will even go further by including other fresh, local products, like herbs, flowers or even honey, making a super bar of soap.

Please stop by and see the soaps we produce with our very own goat milk, www.soapboxkitchen.com or www.goatsoapkitchen.com. Thank you.

Goat Love

by mike fraley on 02/10/13


Spring is a joyful time here at our small farm. It brings a new beginning of life that sets the mood for what is to come. All the goats are ready to have their babies, and we can't wait . We look forward to this time because it is a time for new friendships with our goats, with life and hope making a difference. Our new kids are always beautiful and bring us great joy in their arrival and sets the mood for the whole year.

Let me tell you why.

When our goats are born I make it a point to be present with being a part of their birth. Helping in any way I can I've found this to help in comforting the mother and showing our love for them. I believe they look forward to us being there to help in every way possible by being a part of the birth of their kids.

Now when the kids come, we have found it to be best to take them and feed them in this early stage of life. This ensures that they receive their share of the colostrum which is the first milk and is the most important part of their first feeding. By bottle feeding, we can keep track of their milk which allows us to help in the health of the kids and creating bonding to us easy. Taking the time, by bottle feeding them together, creates a heard that lives in harmony with a passion for one another.

I start by bringing them inside, washing them with warm water, towel dry, then feeding.  Working with my newborns I've found it hard feeding them when giving them a bottle. They always act like it's the last thing they want.  We've found by holding the kids wrapped in a blanket with warm milk really helps. Holding the kids I've also found that with a small amount of breathing on their face, with the rub of your hand stimulates their needs, motivating them to began to suckle, even at two hours old.  This always works in most cases, warmth and love makes a difference.

Kids come with a need to be loved  for their survival at this early state, as all mammals do. The touch of warm hands or the warmth of our bodies help them in this newborn state. I've found that after birth, much petting and loving  boosts their will to live, making for a stronger kid.

Our baby goats are so special in the way they've learn to interact with us, keeping a bond that always grows. We live each day looking forward to feeding and spending time with the new kids, taking them on walks as they run, jump, and  kicking their hooves high in the air. This is always a special time that stays with us creating rich memories of these moments.

There are times when one of our kids don't feel well and need special attention. I pull that one aside and nurture with love and warmth, wrapping in a blanket and laying for hours to remind them they are loved, promoting their will to live. In some cases, I will stay with them all night as they sleep, laying on my chest, they listening to my heart beat. I've found this to work, bringing them back even stronger, especially when they have caught a chill.

I can go on forever talking about my goats and the friendships we share but stop by and see them for yourself at www.soapboxkitchen.com.

Why Does Goat Milk Taste Like Goat

by mike fraley on 01/28/13

"Why is there a goat taste in the milk, cheeses and will your goat soap smell like goat?" This is one of the most common question asked by people that talk with me about goat milk or my soaps. Knowing from my childhood I can relate to this, growing up with goats and many different farm animals, its easy for me to understand these concerns-- The worst memory about goats milk is from when I was five years old. Growing up with our own goats milk, tasting the stinky bill or buck in my Cheerios was about the worse experience I can remember with goats milk. Even looking back, this stands alone as a very vivid memory.

See now, growing up on our farm is at the top of my list as one of the happiest times of my life-- feeling free, and living life; making friends with all the animals. But, letting our goats free range eating everything in sight had created many problems.

The most common problem with our goats was when friends would stop by to visit. Five minutes later you would see goats break-dancing on their car or the billy chasing them, as they went screaming across the yard.  This always was followed by us setting ourselves up for bait to rescue our friends by distracting the billy to chase us instead, which the billy was always happy to oblige in doing so. Some thought they were safe staying in the car, only to find the billy-goat butting their door, causing them to yell," Oh my god, please stop!". I always wondered why mom's friends never visited more often.

So goats have made a name for themselves as being, stinky, mean, and scary.

Goats become their environment, adapting to their surroundings.  I've found from the above, feeding and friendship with your goats really makes a tamer animal and is very important in a small farm.  Raising our goats from baby's with bottle feeding, they in return love us and always look forward to our visits every day. This has changed the way I  see goats.  Our goats are never teased and enjoy their freedom in their own space. Keeping us and them separate has really helped on the stress for all on building the love for our goats.

See, what I've found different about goats milk from my past to present, is the way we handled the milk then.  First thing was--open palls, with ever so often a goat hoof stepping in(I don't even what to know what was on it) making the milk bad, but yet still drinkable(so they said).

Setting up my small farm, there is no more milking in a pail where all the barn dust, goat hair or hoofs can come in contact with the milk. This set the ground work for me building my own system to contain my milk  and keeping all barn elements out, leaving a fresh and clean taste .  Wow what a change, now my goats milk taste great in my cheerios with all the rich creamy taste of whole milk, with out the flavor of billy.

Billy separation is a must to keep the milk free of billy goat taste. I find this beneficial in maintaining a happier heard with great results. Our milk now is so sweet and better then any milk I've ever tasted, and makes a lush bar of soap that smells great!
The products I make from our goats milk are supreme, creating the best experience.   Please stop by and see my goat soaps www.soapboxkitchen.com or goatsoapkitchen.com.

Thanks for reading
written by: Mike Fraley

Soap Box Kitchen

Creating Artistic Soaps.

by mike fraley on 01/25/13

Handmade home-made soaps are very special and unique in their own way, and highly appreciated when one receives them as gifts. Artistic soaps are in a class of their own that stands high above the average bar of soap you see in the market today.   Many hours are spent in the creative thinking it takes to produce an artistic  looking design that is equivalent to a fine piece of art.  The greatest designs are achieved by the creator(soap maker)spending a lot of time to think everything through, and seeing their creation come to life in their dreams like I do.  Only few out of many achieve this and create beautiful handcrafted soaps.

Creating a masterpieces starts with a theme, fragrance or the view of beautiful landscapes that sets the mood and bring on the inspiration of ones creative thinking.  Most times a great fragrance will trigger me and the wheels start turn, seeing all the layers of my design come to life.  When this happens I work on it diligently creating the vision that's falling upon me.

  The ability to see inside the secret swirl is by far the hardest accomplishment to come by, and really takes a lot of time developing with many failures.

So how do I make my artistic soaps? 

After going through all the sensations I've mention, this is how I begin.

Lets take one of my soaps and break it down.  Stormy Nights is a great bar that smells and looks just like it sounds.   A gorgeous fragrance that combines floral notes of hyacinth and heather with leafy greens.  I took my time in thinking of the name to put on this and found that Stormy Nights would be prefect for the picture I was creating in my head for this smell.  Coming up with the swirl wasn't easy and took a few times to accomplish, but hanging in there I came up with this.

Stormy Nights

As you see here, their's lots going on. Starting off with a green lower grassy contrast, then rolling the black above really brings the appearance of stormy nights.  Then topping it off with the white, gives it an uplifting appearance, making the bar come alive with the stormy feeling.

As I keep making my goat soaps, I'm always getting better.  Trying and testing is how I  create the best visual sensation using my goats milk and making changing impressions for users. When they see one of my master pieces in their shower or bath, ones heart is filled with joy and comfort.

Please stop by my web page and see for yourself. www.soapboxkitchen.com or www.goatsoapkitchen.com. stormy nights

New look.  Little more stormiest.

Goat Soap Gets Better When You Feed Your Goats Right

by mike fraley on 01/21/13

One of the most important things I will talk about here is the proper hay one should feed their goats to get the best goats soap from there milk.

This all starts by getting to know the local farmers, and how the fields they farm to get the highest protein content from the hay you buy. Take a drive in the country on a Sunday and look for the best fields is one tool I've found useful in my search for the best hay for my goats.

I hand pick the fields for the hay that I want to feed our goats, this insures me of the best alfalfa hay I can buy for my money. Feeding them alfalfa hay, hand picked by me, will insure me the hightest yield of milk to produce the richest goat soap one can make.

Alfalfa blossom is what you look for. The more purple flowers the better. Looking upon the field you'll notice this, and avoid the thistles and weeds which makes the milk bitter, not sweet.

Knowing how your soap company feeds their goats insures you the highest quality goat soaps.

This I have found to be useful, and has helped me in making the richest goat soap possible, knowing how my goats diet will work for me. They deserve the best.

Please stop by my web page www.soapboxkitchen.com or www.goatsoapkitchen.com and see for your self.


Natural Body Butters Are The Best

by mike fraley on 01/21/13

Natural Body Butters are the best(YES).

by Michael Fraley of Soap Box Kitchen (15-Jan-2013)


Body Butters are high above a simple moisturizing lotion. Body butter should contain natural butters and oils, made without chemicals contained in most store moisturizers. Body butter shouldn't contain any water, preservatives or colors, therefore making them thicker and better then most brands in the stores today, and lasting longer with all the benefits.

Body butter provides a rich emollient, penetrating the skin that can't be duplicated in most lotions. The richness and smoothness of a body butter is a “supreme” experience for all first time users. Body butter is created light, luxurious and feels heavenly.

Body butter can be used anywhere on the body, including face, hands, feet and anywhere you wish to have smooth silky skin.

Natural body butter melts upon contact with your skin. I use a base butter of Avocado, which is high in vitamins and mineral content, known to benefit dry skin.

Body butter should be whipped and made with natural oils and essential oils so they're light and easily applied. No colors should be used which can stain clothes. A properly made body butter that hasn't been overly processed will have a consistency of cream cheese frosting and should absorb completely in 5 to 15 minutes, depending on how much one uses.

I use Meadowfoam Seed Oil, composed of fatty acids with a remarkably high level of oxidative stability. Meadow Seed Oil is one of the most stable triglycerides known. Meadow Seed Oil provides good emollience with out being overly greasy. Meadow Seed Oil absorbs quickly and leaves a lighter feel then other oils.

Essential oils used in body butter will provide a pure and natural scent, which other manufactured scents have chemical undertones. Making body butters with essential oils have additional benefits for health, wellness, and medicinal properties.

I hope that the next time you buy skin care products you'll remember what I've said here. I make my body butters following what I've written here. Please stop by my web page(www.soapboxkitchen.com), and see all the natural products I offer.

Email: soapboxkitchen@gmail.com