Creating Artistic Soaps. : Why Goat Soap

Creating Artistic Soaps.

by mike fraley on 01/25/13

Handmade home-made soaps are very special and unique in their own way, and highly appreciated when one receives them as gifts. Artistic soaps are in a class of their own that stands high above the average bar of soap you see in the market today.   Many hours are spent in the creative thinking it takes to produce an artistic  looking design that is equivalent to a fine piece of art.  The greatest designs are achieved by the creator(soap maker)spending a lot of time to think everything through, and seeing their creation come to life in their dreams like I do.  Only few out of many achieve this and create beautiful handcrafted soaps.

Creating a masterpieces starts with a theme, fragrance or the view of beautiful landscapes that sets the mood and bring on the inspiration of ones creative thinking.  Most times a great fragrance will trigger me and the wheels start turn, seeing all the layers of my design come to life.  When this happens I work on it diligently creating the vision that's falling upon me.

  The ability to see inside the secret swirl is by far the hardest accomplishment to come by, and really takes a lot of time developing with many failures.

So how do I make my artistic soaps? 

After going through all the sensations I've mention, this is how I begin.

Lets take one of my soaps and break it down.  Stormy Nights is a great bar that smells and looks just like it sounds.   A gorgeous fragrance that combines floral notes of hyacinth and heather with leafy greens.  I took my time in thinking of the name to put on this and found that Stormy Nights would be prefect for the picture I was creating in my head for this smell.  Coming up with the swirl wasn't easy and took a few times to accomplish, but hanging in there I came up with this.

Stormy Nights

As you see here, their's lots going on. Starting off with a green lower grassy contrast, then rolling the black above really brings the appearance of stormy nights.  Then topping it off with the white, gives it an uplifting appearance, making the bar come alive with the stormy feeling.

As I keep making my goat soaps, I'm always getting better.  Trying and testing is how I  create the best visual sensation using my goats milk and making changing impressions for users. When they see one of my master pieces in their shower or bath, ones heart is filled with joy and comfort.

Please stop by my web page and see for yourself. or stormy nights

New look.  Little more stormiest.

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